Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A quick piece on Fred Thompson and his Love!!

At the RNC the inimitable Fred Thompson was so smitten with not only himself, but with his new crush Mistress Palin that he took a moment to make one of the most memorable and profound comments in Political Speech History. He said, and I quote (obviously) “…and she’s the only Vice Presidential Nominee who can field dress a Moose…” slamming his fist in a downward motion to make this an even more important point. (quick note: I’m not actually sure how accurate that quote is in the sense of it being word for word which is kind of the point of quoting someone…but what’s important here is that he said some shit about his admiration for the fact that she could indeed field dress a Moose…whatever that means). I myself could probably field dress Palin if only given two things: One, a lesson on “How to” field dress something you’ve hunted down and killed and Two, the opportunity to do just that!!! Also, I think Freddy said the thing about Palin/Moose/Field Dressing because, like most of us more sane people he wasn’t sure any of those Honkey’s were actually listening to his inane banter.

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